Academics Program

It is our Mission to enable students to experience academic achievement in a safe, sober, and positive environment, with an emphasis on improving behavior. We believe our academic mission can be accomplished through the following belief statements:

Conduct always matters.

All students deserve a safe and sober learning environment.

We are committed to continuous improvement of our instructional craft.

Students are given an opportunity to learn and mature at their own pace.

Learning is most effective when positive behavior has been promoted.

Positive behavior, accountability, daily attendance, punctuality, appropriate dress, time management, and a strong work ethic are attributes of a successful person.

Sorensons Ranch School Academics Video

Participating in a mastery-learning program provides academic success and enhances students' self-esteem.

We are supporting students experiencing academic success.

All staff model polite and ethical behavior.

A variety of methods are used when assessing and teaching students.

The competency-based curriculum provides all the courses necessary for the student to earn a High School Diploma. Accreditation by The Northwest Association of Accredited Schools assures that credit will transfer anywhere in the United States. Classes are based on mastery of skills; thus, the School features no quarter or semester system.

The educational program is designed to give students the proper guidance and counseling to learn at their own rate. Since credit is awarded when students master course objectives -- 90 percent is an A, and 80 percent is a B, grades lower than 80 percent are considered incomplete -- students earning below this percentile are tutored until they master the material. Small classes averaging 6-12 students are taught by caring teachers who model such values as honesty, integrity, trust, self-esteem, and concern for others.

Athletics and sports are both competitive and non-competitive and include football, wrestling, volleyball, softball, horseback riding, fishing, swimming, water-skiing, skiing, and ice-skating.


Students must earn a total of 24 credits for Utah graduation. Credits equal Carnegie units with one credit equaling one year long class.

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